
What are ants?

They are tiny insects that can vary in color from black, brown, or red as well as in size and shape. They can enter through even the tiniest cracks, seeking water, grease, and food substances in your home.

One of the biggest problems with it is food contamination. They carry bacteria on their bodies, which spreads when they crawl in pantries and across countertops.

 Where are ants found?

They are cold-blooded, so they require warmth in the winter to stay alive. Your home is a fantastic shelter for this purpose. You may not realize you have an ant infestation, since they can hide in walls, floors, and cabinets.

 Where are ants found?

The lifestyle of ants revolves around the complex dynamics of their colony. Living in highly organized social structures, they exhibit a significant division of labor among castes such as workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals. Pheromones, the most important hormones, aid in movement, communication, nest maintenance, and self-defense. Nests built by workers vary in structure and location. With a life cycle involving complete metamorphosis, ants go through distinct stages from egg to adult. The queen ant plays the best role in laying eggs, creating continuity in the colony. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in a variety of environments, displaying a fascinating mix of cooperation and skills in their quest for survival.

 What do I do if I have ants?

Removing access to food and water is the easiest way to avoid pest problems. They cannot be controlled effectively with do-it-yourself measures and in fact, this can make the problem worse.

If you think you have it, give us a call to Ants Control! We will conduct a thorough inspection of your home and property and provide you with a customized treatment plan to deal with the ant issue. You will receive a detailed report of the service provided and helpful recommendations to remain ant-free!

Poor sanitation can cause ant infestations. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink, food residue on countertops, crumbs on the floor, and garbage provide food sources for Ants.

They leave an invisible chemical trail that contains pheromones for other ants to follow once they locate the food source, so an infestation can develop quickly. Remember, you must need Ants Control Service.