
Birds, a diverse and fascinating class of warm-blooded vertebrates, captivate our imaginations with their ability to soar through the skies. With over 10,000 known species, birds exhibit an astounding array of sizes, colors, and behaviors. Their defining feature is the presence of feathers, which serve not only for flight but also for insulation and display. Birds are characterized by their bipedal stance, with forelimbs modified into wings, and their warm-blooded nature allows them to thrive in diverse environments worldwide. From the acrobatic displays of hummingbirds to the powerful flight of eagles, these creatures showcase remarkable adaptations. Beaks, replacing teeth, come in various shapes tailored to their diets, highlighting the incredible diversity within the avian world. Birds play essential roles in ecosystems as pollinators, seed dispersers, and pest controllers, making them integral to the balance of nature. Whether observed for their ethereal songs, intricate mating rituals, or their crucial contributions to ecosystems, birds continue to capture the curiosity and admiration of humans worldwide.

What are pigeons?

Pigeons are grey birds with a little head and short neck. Pigeons thrive in urban environments and their resourcefulness in making nests made of varying objects makes them hard to get rid of. Large flocks of pigeons can interfere with the enjoyment of the building and can cause significant property damage, unsanitary conditions and health risks.

Pigeon droppings contain a variety of disease-causing bacteria and pose a significant health risk. The droppings are also corrosive and can cause damage to buildings and structures.

Where are pigeons found?

Pigeons are comfortable living in urban communities and usually nest on building ledges, balconies, air conditioning units or window sills.

Pigeon droppings are often found on surfaces such as balcony floors, windowsills and railings. Debris and feathers are other signs of roosting.

Pigeons can multiply out of control when provided with food sources. If you think you have a pigeon problem, give us a call! We will conduct a through inspection of your property and provide you with a customized treatment plan to deal with the pigeon issue. You will receive a detailed report of the service provided and helpful recommendations to remain pigeon free!

Pigeons will feed on anything including seeds, insects and domestic scraps. Feeding pigeons has serious consequences for the birds, residents in the buildings and the building structure. Remove clutter and eliminate water and food sources on your balcony to prevent pigeons from nesting.