What are Flies?
The housefly is a nonbiting fly measuring about 1/4 inch long. Adult houseflies have two wings and four lengthwise black stripes on their backs. The abdomen typically appears checkered.
Houseflies are often confused with flesh flies and stable flies. A flesh fly has only three stripes on its back, and the tip of its abdomen is usually red. The stable fly feeds on blood and its mouthparts protrude from the front of its head.
Flies are common insects belonging to the order Diptera, characterized by a pair of wings and a pair of halteres, which are small, club-shaped structures that aid in balance during flight. With more than 120,000 known species, they display incredible diversity in size, shape, and behavior. While some flies play important roles in ecosystems as pollinators and decomposers, others can be nuisance pests, especially in residential and commercial settings.
Where do flies live?
The housefly, Musca domestica , is found worldwide and lives in close proximity to humans. Because houseflies can carry many diseases of humans and domestic animals, it is important to keep their populations low. Understanding their habits and life cycle can help you eliminate the most flies at the lowest cost to you and the environment.
Common types of flies that people often encounter are houseflies, fruit flies, and blowflies. Houseflies are known for their constant buzzing and can be carriers of various diseases when they land on surfaces with food. Fruit flies are attracted to ripe and fermenting fruit, making them a common nuisance in kitchens and food storage. Blowflies, also known as bluebottles or greenbottles, are attracted to decaying organic matter and are often associated with garbage or compost. They live in rotten damp places, stagnant water, drains, or drains.
keeping windows screened and doors closed,
placing exhaust (blower) systems above doors, and
installing doors that open and close mechanically.
Sticky traps and ultraviolet light traps placed around a home or business also can reduce housefly populations. Hang resin strips (flypaper) in infested areas where there is little or no air movement. A rule of thumb is to place one 10-inch strip per 1,000 cubic feet of space. Install the fly strips within 6 feet of the floor because most fly activity is near the ground. The strips are effective for up to about 3 months or until completely covered.
To manage fly-related problems, it is essential to practice good sanitation by keeping living areas clean and disposing of food waste properly. Additionally, sealing entry points such as windows and doors can help prevent them from entering indoor spaces. In agricultural settings, integrated pest management strategies may include biological control or the use of pesticides. “Telos Pest Control” is always ready to protect you from them and relieve you from the pain of them.
Three types of control methods are used to suppress houseflies: cultural, biological and chemical. It is best to use all three methods.
Although flies are a natural part of the ecosystem and contribute to processes such as decomposition, controlling their population in certain environments is necessary to prevent health risks and maintain a healthy living or working environment. If fly infestations become difficult to manage, seeking the help of pest control professionals can provide effective and targeted solutions to reduce the problem. Contact “Telos Pest Control” today to prevent the problem of them. We handle all types of pests with utmost efficiency.