
What are Mites?

Mites, diminutive arachnids, belong to two primary orders: Acariformes and Parasitiformes. Although once grouped under the subclass Acari, genetic analysis hasn’t conclusively demonstrated their close connection. Have bulbous, round, or pill-shaped bodies, with eight jointed legs.

Where are mites found?

Similar in appearance to ticks but much smaller, they have bulbous, round, or pill-shaped bodies. Classified as arachnids, they have eight jointed legs. Their size varies by species, but most of them are usually invisible to the naked eye. The largest mites measure about 6 mm long, while the smallest are about 0.1 mm. The color of them varies greatly as well; most of them appear tan, brown, or reddish-brown, but some species are bright red, blue, or green in color.

They live in nearly every habitat, including deep soil and aquatic environments. As parasites of birds, mammals, and insects, they may spread wherever these host animals travel. They either live in the host’s nest or on the host itself. Some species such as scabies and chigger mites may bury themselves under human skin. They commonly affect humans and often live in carpets, furniture, and mattresses.

Common household mites, like dust mites, feed on flakes of dead skin from humans and pets, but others mites do bite animals and in some cases, humans, to suck their blood.

Mow lawn and remove weeds regularly, Keep leaf litter away from the house, Keep pets clean and healthy, Clean the house regularly, Dust surfaces and vacuum carpets, Wash bed linens in hot water, Keep humidity levels low, Use a dust-mite or mite proof mattress encasement

Preventing their involves taking a comprehensive approach to reducing their presence in your living environment. Regular cleaning is most important; Dust and vacuum your home consistently, paying special attention to carpets, bedding, and upholstered furniture. Wash bedding and linens regularly in hot water and use a hot dryer to effectively remove them. Keep indoor humidity levels below 50% with a dehumidifier, as they thrive in moist conditions. Cover mattresses, pillows, and duvets with allergen-proof covers to create a barrier against dust mites. Choose easy-to-clean window coverings and furniture, avoiding heavy curtains and upholstery that can harbor dust and them. Wash stuffed toys and pet bedding regularly in hot water, and consider using anti-mite products on carpets and upholstery. Sunlight can help repel them, so air bedding and pillows in direct sunlight occasionally. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can create an environment that is less conducive to mite infestations and promote a healthier living space.