Common Pests

We know our pests. Whether they fly, crawl, jump, buzz or bite, we will help you identify the pest in question and stop them from coming back!

Explore our pest library to learn more about the pest, where they are found, how serious an infestation can be and how we can help you get ride of them.


Common pests, constant intruders in and around our homes, come in many forms, each presenting its own unique challenges and nuisances. In the insect kingdom, ants top the list, invading kitchens and pantries determined to eat our food. Cockroaches, resilient and adaptable, can trigger allergies and spread disease, creating an unsettling presence. Mosquitoes, notorious carriers of diseases like malaria and the Zika virus, thrive in areas with stagnant water, making summer nights a battle against itchy bites. Rodents such as rats and mice are not only important to the structural integrity of buildings but also to our health, contaminating food and spreading disease through their droppings. Bedbugs, once nearly eradicated, have made a resurgence, invading homes and hotels, and leaving itchy bumps in their wake.


Termites, silent destroyers, can wreak havoc on wooden structures, often going undetected until considerable damage is done. Fleas and ticks, hitchhikers on our pets, bring discomfort and risk of disease. Spiders, although mostly harmless, create intricate webs that can be a nuisance around the house. Wasps and bees, crucial for pollination, can become aggressive and pose a risk, especially in late summer. Flies, with their loud buzzing, spread bacteria as they land on surfaces, making them not only annoying but also potential vectors of disease. Pests, often associated with closets and pantries, cause damage and frustration to clothing and stored food products, respectively. Carpenter ants, with their penchant for digging up wood for nesting, can compromise the structural integrity of the home.


Solving common pest problems requires a multi-pronged approach. Prevention is key, involving measures such as proper sanitation, sealing entry points, and eliminating standing water. However, when pests breach these defenses, effective control methods become essential. This may involve the use of chemical or non-chemical means depending on the specific pest and situation. Regular inspections and prompt action are critical to managing and preventing pest infestations so that our living spaces are free from these unwelcome visitors.


Bed Bugs